Balancing Act: Being a Mom, Wife, and Piano Enthusiast

Being a mom and a wife often feels like a 24/7 duty, doesn’t it? From dawn till dusk, and sometimes even beyond, the roles of caregiver and partner consume our every moment. And yet, amidst the chaos and the never-ending to-do lists, there’s a glimmer of something else – a passion, a pursuit that brings joy and fulfillment.

For me, that pursuit is music – specifically, the enchanting world of piano. Now, you might be wondering how on earth I manage to squeeze in piano practice amidst the madness of motherhood and marriage. Well, let me tell you, it’s no easy feat.

As a stay-at-home mom, my days are a whirlwind of ups and downs, filled with laughter, tears, and everything in between. And while I wouldn’t trade this precious time with my little one for anything, there are moments when I can’t help but wonder about the road not taken – the career left behind in pursuit of motherhood.

But amidst the diapers and the dishes, there’s another long list of duties awaiting me – those of a wife. From keeping the home fires burning to nurturing the flame of love, being a supportive partner requires time, effort, and plenty of patience.

And yet, in the midst of all this chaos, there’s the piano – my sanctuary, my escape. Despite the time crunch and the countless distractions, I made the decision to pursue my passion for music, and I haven’t looked back since.

Completing Level 1 of piano learning felt like reaching the summit of Everest – a moment of triumph amidst the daily grind. And while the journey has been anything but easy, the satisfaction of mastering a new skill is unparalleled.

Learning the piano is no walk in the park. It requires dedication, discipline, and above all, practice. Each day, I sit down at the keyboard, fingers poised, ready to memorize each and every note. And slowly but surely, progress is made.

I still remember the first time I managed to play a simple tune – “Happy Birthday” – and the sense of accomplishment that washed over me. It was a reminder that with perseverance and patience, anything is possible.

Currently, I’m working on mastering “Love Wins All” by IU – a song that speaks to my heart in more ways than one. And while I may have only mastered the beginning lines so far, I’m determined to see it through to the end.

So here’s to the juggling act of motherhood, marriage, and music – may we continue to find joy in the chaos and harmony in the hustle. And who knows, maybe one day soon, I’ll be sharing that video of me playing “Love Wins All” with you all. Until then, keep those good wishes coming – they mean more than you know.

See you tomorrow.

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z 

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Adventures in 2024: A Mom’s Chronicle of Chaos, K-dramas, and Freelance

Hey there! I hope you missed me. Did you? I wouldn’t blame you if my sporadic blogging habits turned me into a distant memory. I confess, I’m a master at procrastination, and my blog often suffers from my chronic laziness. But here I am, breaking the silence in 2024, juggling the chaos of motherhood and the exhilarating world of freelance content writing.

parenting blog

As the New Year unfolded, I found myself marvelling at the fact that I’m now a mom to a soon-to-be 4-year-old. Time flies faster than a bird, and sometimes I wonder if I’ve grown wings trying to keep up with my energetic little one.

For those who have been following my journey, you know I walk the fine line of OCD. I’m perpetually on my toes, attempting to conquer ALL THE THINGS. Honestly, sometimes it feels like I need more than 24 hours in a day. By the time I hit the pillow, my brain is buzzing with the remnants of my to-do list, yet I’m grateful that I can at least sleep well.

The elusive promise to blog regularly – a vow I make to myself every now and then. Well, here I am again, crossing my fingers that 2024 will be the year I stick to it.

Motherhood! What a roller coaster ride it is! With a growing kid, the anxiety and frustration seem to grow exponentially. Despite my commitment to gentle parenting, I find myself toeing the line more often than not. Deep breaths, they say. Breathe, breathe, breathe – my mantra to survive the whirlwind that is parenting a 4-year-old.

parenting blog

Now, let’s talk about my guilty pleasure – Netflix, specifically my K-drama obsession. From “Behind Your Touch” to currently unraveling the mysteries of My Demon, Twinkling Watermelon, I’ve been riding the emotional roller coaster that only Korean dramas can provide. Oh, and did I mention the teenage drama binge with My Life with the Walter Boys? Yes, a woman in her 30s reveling in the drama of high school – don’t judge, it was oddly satisfying!

Taking a break from the world of K-dramas, I found myself hooked on the latest series, “Fool Me Once,” a thrilling journey based on a Harlan Coben novel.

In between the chaotic world of motherhood and the captivating realms of Netflix, I am a freelance content writer. It might not make me a millionaire, but the satisfaction of earning my own money is priceless. Transitioning from a comfortable salary to the freelance hustle has its challenges, but hey, they say the best things in life are worth the struggle.

So, with renewed hope of blogging more frequently, I bid you adios for now. Do miss me, because in this chaotic adventure called life, I promise there’s always a good story waiting to unfold. See you soon!

indian mother blog

Radiant at 36: Embracing Motherhood, Self-Care, and the Joys of the 30s!

Welcome to my fun-filled birthday blog post! Today, I’m celebrating another year of life and also the incredible journey I’ve had in my 30s. From overcoming the challenges of infertility to embracing motherhood, prioritizing self-care, and diving into the beautiful chaos of parenting, these years have truly been the best! So sit back, and join me as I reflect on the memorable moments and valuable lessons of this decade. Do share your experience too in the comments.

life lessons in 30s
Photo by cottonbro studio on

The Struggle with Infertility: A Journey of Strength and Hope

At 27 my battle began that I never expected: the struggle with infertility. It was a turmoil of emotions, filled with highs and lows, hope and heartbreak. The resilience I developed, and the determination to never give up brought me to a place of gratitude and acceptance.

Embracing Motherhood: A Dream Come True

After navigating the challenging path of infertility, my journey led me to the most beautiful gift of all—motherhood. The sleepless nights, the messy diapers, and the endless giggles became cherished moments that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Being a mother has taught me unconditional love that knows no bounds. Though I cannot forget the loss of control over myself sometimes. Parenting is tough!

Prioritizing Self-Care: A Necessity for Balance

While embracing motherhood, I learned that self-care is essential. I have to take care of myself first in order to care for others. I have made self-care a priority. Whether it’s binge-watching TV shows, painting my nails, or having a warm bath, I reserve some time for myself.

The Chaos and Beauty of Parenting

Parenting in my 30s has been a delightful whirlwind. From messy day to bedtime routine, every day is an adventure. I’ve learned to embrace the chaos, finding beauty in the little moments of giggles, and hugs, and watch Baby V grow. He is 3 now! THREE! When did my baby grow so much?

Lessons, Growth, and Gratitude

If I had to say one thing to my 20s who was struggling with her inner self; I would tell her – It’s going to be okay! I’ve learned to celebrate small victories, embrace my imperfections, and cherish precious moments with loved ones. The 30s have taught me that the key to happiness lies in embracing every stage with an open heart and a willingness to learn.

As I blow out the candles on my 36th birthday cake, I’m filled with gratitude. From the struggles of infertility to the joys of motherhood, and the importance of self-care and embracing the chaos of parenting, my 30s have been an incredible adventure. Cheers to embracing life, celebrating every milestone, and continuing to thrive in the beautiful journey of the 30s! 🎉🌟✨

mommy blogger india

I Have Begun To Hate The Words – “Good News”

Warning: You may not like this post if you are already blessed with a child. So stop reading.

Your friend is pregnant. Okay! You are happy for her because by now you have accepted the fact that it is not coming easy for you. 

Then, your husband’s friend had second child. SECOND! and you do not have even the first and then he is pissed off because of THIS news. NOW, you are devastated because even though you have acknowledge the infertility, THE GOOD NEWS still stings. Moreover because your partner STILL shuts himself off after such news.

Good news for them, not for you! Isn’t it? How can you explain the “not in 1 in 8” population IT ISN’T EASY TO GET THAT BFP (not even once). 

anger gif

I have A: acknowledged my infertility and A: Accepted it. I am not angry at myself. I do not cry over watching pregnant bellies. I am not even jealous of them. The only thought goes inside my head is – ‘One day for sure.’ It is just that it is taking time and I am waiting.


Month: Sixth

Result: Cancellation of FET transfer. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Hormones: Check

Hysteroscopy: Check

Medicines: Tonnes of them. 

Endometrium: Giving away due to high estrogen (probably) given for the damn lining to grow in the first place.

What I want: Break from all of this.


Bank account: Depleting


Work: Not interested



  • Smoothie with flax seeds and almonds
  • Jaggery to keep up Hemoglobin
  • Apple

Listening to:

Songs: Unplugged collection in Amazon Prime Music

You Are a Badass – How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

Pick of the Week: 

Sadhguru – How To Get EVERYTHING You WANT

I do not follow spirituality. I am not an atheist. I only believe there is a ‘creator’. I do not follow any one or the many idol form of God. I do not have any spiritual guru.

But all said, I listen to the ones which my heart says – Yes! 

Thank you for reading if you have come till the end. See you soon. 🙂

infertility sadness | infertility anger | infertility inspiration

5 Incredible Instagrammers You should follow

Hello everyone,

Hope you all are doing good, rising again after falling, learning from mistakes. Have you started practicing positive affirmations? I would like you to give it a try. Stand in front of the mirror and speak a loud and clear: “You are worthy of all the joys and riches in the universe. I love you”. Do not forget about gratitude, be grateful for this life.

positive affirmation about self-love
“I am worthy of all the joys and riches in the universe.”

Moving ahead with my life! My fertility update: CD 21. PMS symptoms have begun. AF might visit me soon, which is good and bad too. Bad for failing to conceive. Good for, at least I am bleeding despite my Premature ovarian failure.

That’s it for me. I am sharing the instagrammers I love. Apart from my fellow bloggers here (as I’ve mentioned in one of my previous post): motherofnone, beyoutiful, jlmwrites, findingjoyininfertility there are few others I adore. Hop on to their account!


She is the first mamma I came across on instagram. She has fabulously documented her entire pregnancy on her blog and her every day instagram stories are adorable.


I have known this blogger for over 5 years and her 1 sentenced instagram posts are to die for.


If you want your instagram feed to be beautiful and filled with books, follow her.


You mustn’t miss the artistry work by this self-taught professional artist.

 My compliments will fall short for her words. You might miss a heart beat after reading her writings and wonder HOW? How one can weave love so beautifully in words?

Have a great day wherever you are!
