Welcome To My Home

It is a long time indeed. Let me welcome you first and (re)introduce myself. Hello, I am Poonam aka Aai (mother) to my rainbow Baby V.

mommy blog

I unlocked this blog in 2017, which had started with writing prompts but took a turn towards speaking the “F” word – Fertility!

My ramblings were piling up in the small space of my brain and it was high time for its outlet. So I took the leap! I threw a welcome mat and set this blog which earlier was titled – Serenity – Life with few good eggs. What was the story behind this title?

Get to know about it in my first post about my infertility. Will I ever have a baby? I confessed about my fertility struggle in the world. I am so grateful to find the TTC community, where all the grief is shared, the tears are acknowledged, the failure is accepted and happiness is hugged. This community is all ears!

“I am infertile”, does anyone has the confidence in saying this out loud? Life with infertility is TOUGH. Society makes it harder by prodding, “When will you give the good news?”

Forbidden questions:

Is something wrong with you or your husband? How many years are you married? When are you going to have kids?

The above questions are absolute No! No! You are deepening the wound of the one who is already in pain. Infertility is to be spoken about rather than hushing or shushing it. It is to be shared, acknowledged and not burden with questions.

I call myself as an infertility warrior rather than a sufferer. Through this blog I had wanted to share my struggles and life with infertility and most of all, I want to make everyone acknowledge the pain of the ones who are going through rather than shoving the infertility topic under the rug.

It is okay to talk about our fertility struggles. It is okay to cry when everything fails. It is okay to be sad when our friends or colleagues get pregnant. It is okay to not attend baby showers. It is okay to be not okay.

This blog grew from the Will I ever have a baby to I am pregnant! Baby V is six months old now and it may sound cliché but he means the world to me. I sing him “Happy Birthday” every Tuesday morning when he wakes up. I live for his smile when he listens to me intently!

mommy blog, parenting blog, infertility blog

What makes a blog a home? It should reflect its people. I have decorated this home from 2017 to 2020 from the lonely woman waiting for a miracle to pregnant belly and now with zealous colors, moments of life with a baby.

infertility blog, mommy blog, parenting blog
2020 (PNG Image source: Pngtree)

I will be sharing about my DE-IVF journey, the most beautiful nine months which brought on gestational diabetes and severe urticaria. I will also be talking about life as a new mother (breastfeeding, colic, diapering, sleepless nights to baby sleeping through the night, and much more.)

So welcome again! Wipe your feet on the same old dusty mat from 2017 and come on in.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter‘s My Friend Alexa.

26 thoughts on “Welcome To My Home

  1. First of all congratulations and hugs. You don’t need anyone’s affirmations. You are far too strong and courageous to take on the world. And now you are blessed with V too. Looking forward to reading your journey. All the best.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Society can be tough on us sometimes. When you start to think objectively about these stupid concepts that society believes to be utmost importance, you will find how funny and irrelevant they actually are. Finding work at a certain age, getting married to someone within a certain age within certain communities, making the first baby within a certain time period and so on. Glad you found the courage to fight when the so called society wasn’t very supportive. And good to know that you are living a happier life now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A big congratulations and sending you all good vibes & wishes for this new phase in life. All my love to V as well. Kudos to your strong spirit for taking on this world which can be really nasty with all its prejudices. All the best in life for everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Glad to have discovered your blog, Poonam. People can be cruel if you don’t fit into the set template. Congratulations and wishing you the very best for your journey ahead. God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations for this new phase of life. What does not kill us makes us stronger. So just let the past be a steeping stone and enjoy with your bundle of joy


  6. Its appalling how society can be cruel towards its own members. Most of this cruelty comes from those who are closest. I am so happy that you have come back to your blog. Looking forward to reading more posts from you. More power to you, girl! All the best on both your new journeys.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. First, I want to congratulate you and then I want to tell you that I like your post a lot. This F word here is actually a topic of conversation among many couples still they struggle to address it. Great you talked about it.


  8. First of all Badhayi ho!! May God bless the baby, you and your family, good health and happiness always. It is not always easy living in Indian Society, we are too used to poking the nose in other’s business. I am glad you looked at yourself as a warrior and not a sufferer. It shows you are mentally strong and you will emerge victorious!
    God Bless!


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